First Sex Doll Brothel - Will This Kill The Escort Industry?

The world's first sex doll brothel in Europe has come under criticism from escorts and brothel workers who complained that sex dolls had the potential to steal their trade and rob them of their earning capacity. Many escorts are worried that sex dolls, and even sex robots, may one day make them unemployed and potentially redundant.

In the UK Lovedoll is a prominent retailer of extremely lifelike sex dolls. Their sex dolls even come with a try before you buy policy for those who are curious about taking the plunge into the world of intimacy with sex dolls. Even though a realistic sex doll will set you back around AUD$3500 on average, customers do not seem to have been deterred by the high price and have flooded Lovedoll with requests to try out the sex dolls for a fee of AUD$175 per hour.

Given the high retail price tag for such realistic sex dolls, one could easily draw the try before you buy policy as being similar to taking a car for a test drive at the dealership before you decide to purchase the vehicle.

It certainly doesn’t take much to see the very real potential for these very realistic sex dolls to offer comparable services in direct competition with real human escorts. At the very minimum an entire new realistic sex doll fetish scene has the potential to take off.

So how many men will take the plunge and choose a lifelike sex doll over a real life escort? It could be reasonable to assume there may be perhaps a sizeable portion of men who would be interested in such a realistic lover, especially if they have not been completely satisfied with their sexual experiences with human females, or if their sexual tastes and fetishes are a little extreme.

Escorts should be able to stand proud of the services they provide because any sex doll – no matter how realistic – cannot match the services and connection of a real human being. If anything such a realistic doll created solely for the purpose of sexual gratification degrades real sex workers to nothing more than sexual objects.

One psychologist has gone as far to state that many men are attracted to the possibility of having sexual intercourse with realistic and lifelike sex dolls because a man will be able to do anything he wants or desires with the sex doll, no matter how degrading.

If this is true, is this something that escorts should be competing with?