I'll keep this blog short and sweet for your convenience. 

In light of recent privacy concerns with other advertising platforms, we have experienced an influx of new advertisers expressing their concerns.

Some advertisers have come to us concerned about privacy and question our verification process and server information.

I am pleased to report our verification process is simply an authenticity process and no personal information is required of you.

Our servers are Australian.  

I am an Australian lady living in Queensland. 

We currently have 2 contractors to assist the development and SEO of our site. They too are Australian and based in Qld and NSW.

I also have personally met a good 60% of my advertisers and enjoyed many a phone call, coffee meet ups…and maybe a few wines! 

I am real. 

My advertisers are real.

I hope we are regarded as safe a friendly platform with authentic advertisers.

If you need to speak with me, please let me know and I will give you a call.

Kind Regards
